Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Pretty sure this is the worst blog I've ever seen.

Also, all I do is WIN WIN WIN no matter what.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Update: unemployment isn't as fun when you're sickies.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rough start to fUnemployment.

Carmen worked today.  Stupid.

I did not wake up early.  Stupid.

I got very little done today.  I think I'm ordering Chinese.  Food.  Not people.

Then off to Lucky 7 to watch the Devils be Devilish in their own special way.

I think I may have to investigate this on my free time... now...  Ratio Finder

Also, my fUnemployment beard is coming along just fine, just fine indeed; however, I don't know how long I want to put up with the maintenance.  More later.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Seriously, how do people not know this?!

I hate Ryan.

Reality sets in...

So.  Full day 3 of being without a jorb.  As I was telling Carmen during our adventure to the Mall, last time I was without works was September 23, 2004.  It's weird and as soon as I have some kind of fiscal plan in order I'm sure I'll actually be able to think through this entire thing.  I think this is going to be a momentous experience that may (or may not) involve scaling large buildings and recognizing that all our souls are actually one.

On the agenda for tomorrow:

  1. Setting a routine.  Waking up at noon is only attractive for so long.
  2. File for NYS-UI.
  3. Review/revise resume.
  4. Submit said resume to last of my "reach" jobs.
Hopefully, I can complete all this before noon and be ready to play with Carms when she returns.  Or just take a nap.

Also, I need to sabotage Carmen's leggings.  Ryan is being too inappropriate for comfort.

Can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday.  Hump day!


So, we've moved on from the uncomfortable "First Day of Unemployment Also Being a Holiday So Everyone Is Around" to true unemploymentland. Lonely, were it not for each other.

We're brainstorming things to do during daytime hours--
- Matinee movies, to pick up moms
- Be outside in the sunlight (unless it's hailing like yesterday)
- Go to the mall sans teenagers
- Skip the lines at 2nd Street Bakery by getting there before lunchtime, or after lunchtime
- See the Burchfield show one more time (Ed Note: just Carmen)

Anyway, today we've chosen mall. My sister, who is no longer unemployed so she couldn't be a part of this blog (though we're still in talks for Unemployed Sisters! The Movie! starring ScarJo and P. Cruz), recommended I buy leggings. This is because wearing pajamas all day is depressing, and even dangerous-- omg! I almost tripped on my own pajama pant and died all alone a la Liz Lemon!-- but wearing jeans is just a tad too uncomfortable. Of course, if this were Endless Summer Unemployment I could certainly wear my favorite silk shorts that Chrissy accidentally stole from H&M once... but it's cold. Hence, leggings. Comfortable enough to wallow in, but clothing enough to also be warm in. SOMEONE GET THAT GIRL A JOB... oh wait...

Let's see how easy it is to upload pictures up in here.
Hm, seems pretty easy.

Later: an update about how a squirrel screamed "nevermore" at me for an hour. The true story!

Monday, October 11, 2010


Adel and Carmen are unemployed. We are joining forces with the internet to give us something to do.