Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reality sets in...

So.  Full day 3 of being without a jorb.  As I was telling Carmen during our adventure to the Mall, last time I was without works was September 23, 2004.  It's weird and as soon as I have some kind of fiscal plan in order I'm sure I'll actually be able to think through this entire thing.  I think this is going to be a momentous experience that may (or may not) involve scaling large buildings and recognizing that all our souls are actually one.

On the agenda for tomorrow:

  1. Setting a routine.  Waking up at noon is only attractive for so long.
  2. File for NYS-UI.
  3. Review/revise resume.
  4. Submit said resume to last of my "reach" jobs.
Hopefully, I can complete all this before noon and be ready to play with Carms when she returns.  Or just take a nap.

Also, I need to sabotage Carmen's leggings.  Ryan is being too inappropriate for comfort.

Can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday.  Hump day!

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